
Dad installed his new still. Only 25l, with a gas burner. The two apricots in their yard have borne heavily, the branches had to be propped in twenty places so they wouldn't break. There'll be some good brandy again.

Still smoking the Black Hawk we brought.

Still smoking the Black Hawk we brought.

Bought some paint and a ladder, got a cab and brought it all to the house. Lena's room will be sunny (side up) yellow, including the ceiling. I went to the nearby supermarket and bought a proper floor brush (plastic and dense) and a mop. Had to roll in the garbage can, easier than to carry all the garbage out piecemeal. The house is now so fucking dark with that roof on the terrace. We did calculate in enough windows to make the big room bright, but now it's for nothing. We started planning how to make it brighter*.

Still smoked Black Hawk, what we brought. Met a few neighbors and had a chat.

The bus station was still working on all 20 bus slots.

About apricots, Lena said "what's all the meditation and yoga for, when nirvana grows on a tree?".

Went downtown and exchanged 200$, got 7858 (their fee was 200 dinars).


* as of early 2022, no change, still dark

Mentions: Jelena Sredljević (Lena), in serbian