
Johan caught a mouse. Lena brought her drawings from BG, of the same old guy, but looking more... alive than last time. It is obvious from this coalstick drawing that the guy has blue eyes. Quite a feat for a fledgling artist.

I finished documenting the teleforms and the current set of problems with them, on the internal wiki (hosted by George). Here:

(MR is a so-called „medical record“, later called „progress note“ but it's actually a questionnaire; it being a long french word, the wrong descriptions stayed; I kept using the proper expression but it didn't take, perhaps Norman would use it sometimes. To further complicate matters, the MR would sometimes mean the questionnaire definition, ie. an empty one, sometimes one patient's instance of it)

cnt_content_id=2007248 (the MR ID for our template)

cnt_option=(title of the MR as entered)


cnt_idscat=(FK into the directory of the MR treeview where we want the MR to appear)

mds_cntfk = 5605 (the MR ID, i.e. FK into s_contents via cnt_content_id)

mds_mdsfk = key of the parent record (if grouped, the fk into the mds_pk of the group header record, if ungrouped then zero)

mds_subtopic= (text of the question)

mds_question= (.t. it's a question, .f. it's a group header)

mds_order=(sort order)

mds_topictype=following list

cnt_subtop_id=mds_pk of the question record... not that easy:

[2010/11/16 12:13:41] todo

it seems the MRN may be the internal number of something (not the MR), and the LinkId (1st field) is the dem_regno. The teleform is pre-printed for each patient, with this LinkID being barcoded at the botom of each even page, and this number is supposedly the dem_Regno and used throughout the clinic. However, the linkId is six digit, and regnos go into 7-digit range plus "P" prefix for partners, and the MRN is 8 digit. We'll see.

This is for SFBC. Every now and then someone over there gets a bright idea how to have the patients fill their forms straight into computers, without any need for their expensive personnel to retype them. Don't know whether this was first such scheme, surely wasn't the last. None of them ever worked, but each took several days of my time. Them being a specially important and pampered customer, so it goes.

On the home front, drew the attic floorplan, millimeter by millimeter, using Ooo sDraw, so we can have a dozen printed and then sketch the walls on them. For now, I needed a calculation of how much styrofoam will we need to buy (about 80 m2).

Mentions: George Whiteley, Jelena Sredljević (Lena), Johana, Norman Shen, SFBC, in serbian