
Finally took my clamps, glue etc and went to the attic to glue the piece of the doorframe back in place. Drvofiks, applied with proper pressure, should be stronger than the wood itself was, and the hinges should hold now.

(in the end, the exercise was for nothing, I didn't align the middle hinge properly, and couldn't hang the door; couldn't unscrew the hinge either, because drvofiks is stronger than the metal)

In the evening, family chat over skype, judging by the screenshots it was lots of fun - Nina, Go, Ender. Only Ricardo was not showing up at all.

Horrible wind overnight. Lena went to sleep in the big room, because the rose bush was screeching against the gas meter box. Her window shades unhooked at some moment (the simple U hook I improvised during the previous košava). Tied those with bungee cords later.

Mentions: Ender Aquila (Ender), Gorana Sredljević (Go), Jelena Sredljević (Lena), košava, Nevena Sredljević (Nina), Ricardo Manuel Bariero (Ricardo), in serbian