Valerie Marceau

(Person, USA)

Funny bird, who was somehow very high in the hierarchy of UniJewel. She had a permanent authority to enter the vault at all times, and was mostly working in the office where the vault was.

Of obvious Hindu origins, despite french surname - dark hair, tanned by birth - she was just about the most american of them all. Had a full set of american habits, from speech to the scented coffee.

We didn't see each other much, except on those days when I came to office to work. Then she was the one person who knew how to present a feature request in clear and unambiguous terms, stating plainly what it should do and what it should definitely not do. It was the others who produced fog when communicating such things, never saying what they mean, never meaning what they said, and who knows whether they really knew what they wanted. Can't get a clear sentence out of a blurry idea.

Mentions: 12-IX-2004., 05-XII-2004., 26-II-2005., UniJewel, in serbian