
Had to get up early, she overslept and didn't get Lena to the schoolbus on time. Nina should have worked from home today, but she didn't wake up for 6am either, so Ender would drive her to work. Her car is still unable to start, because of that cable.

I had to drive Lena to school, and for once I got into a true traffic jam. Of course it's concentrated around the school - school is the source of it. Entering the kids' parking, I had to brake to avoid hitting a girl who was just exiting, and got slightly rear-ended. I asked the kids to pay me 50$ and no questions asked - no names, no police, no paperwork. They seemed happy with that. We'll see whether the money actually arrives. I don't really care. There seems to be a new sound from the rear when I brake, like two beer bottles knocking each other once shortly. maybe it's time for a new old car.

Trying to clean out the duct from the washer-dryer, found remains of a birdnest. Not sure whether we actually got it sufficiently cleaned. Seems to get some of it out.

Finally mailed that check from astrology.com - it's sitting on my desk since friday.

Officially, today I made the dclog.prg, the current version, for Feds. I did have some versions before, of course, in my own libraries.

Mentions: dcLog.prg, Ender Aquila (Ender), Feds, Jelena Sredljević (Lena), Nevena Sredljević (Nina), in serbian