
Nina called from DC, they have taken off (both!). Luckily (!) he got... well not exactly sacked from Best Buy, where he sort of worked for 2-3 days, but they said there's no work, the sales didn't grow (he's supposed to be the tech help guy), so they didn't object to his going to Japan at all.

Lena had a SAT test, did the chemistry fine but isn't too happy with her maths. Which doesn't really matter, going to MIT may be a worthy goal but isn't such a big deal if she doesn't get there to graduate. may she get her masters or PhD there :).

Which is why I'm seriously looking at that house in Bassett... it would be close enough to Blacksburg, closer to Atlanta (when Nina goes there in march or so).

Mentions: Jelena Sredljević (Lena), Nevena Sredljević (Nina), in serbian