
Random thoughts:

If scientology claims trademark over its scriptures, then it's a trade, not a church. They must have some very sleazy lawyers to pull this.

What's the non-religious word for sanctuary?

Chatted last night with Marinko, new year's mood. Not much of atmosphere here, they use it all up for christmas. They don't even have a word for doček. He also said „Many don't look like noticing it's the new year. Must confess I'm one of them this year. Somehow this is not it, there's no rush, not to mention panic...“.

Went somewhere with Lena in the afternoon, perhaps grocery, Kroger is that way. We dropped by Wawa to lift a few dimes (now whether it was 200$ or 700$ that's set as daily limit), their serekeš line has a deal with my credit union to charge me nothing. There's no system, it's whoever has a deal with whomever else. At that point I had the idea to try the camera in her nokla, and this is the result. Well, not too bad at all.

Go is with my folks... talked yesterday over skype. That is, skype to mobile, which costs 25 cents a minute to Serbia, so we made it short, before I run out. We called again later, when Nina returned from work, she's dežurni, her boss is on vacation and didn't leave her any work to do, just to be there and make sure the apps run. Go went for the doček with her classmates somewhere, I even recognized some [from the pics later]. Then she overnighted at oma's, and walked all the 5km to my parents, taking a lot of pictures along the way. That series of photos was a precious document later. Only when you see how it looked then you can appreciate how much it changed later.

Dad acquired the antibiotics we asked him to get, so Go will bring them home and send them to us when she gets there. Though, it's been a while since we last needed any, perhaps just when my tooth swells, which happened this fall. He found clogs for me too, the ash wood, the previous pair is wearing out.

We meant to visit Undersville, but the weather was bad.

The newspaper where Joška switched to be the webmaster, is dead. Didn't last a year.

At the office chat there were David, Jan, Oliver and I, though Oliver was first off and came in only after his 8:30. So we got the news from our spy from the future a bit belatedly, but still on time - the word is „it's quite okay, you don't need to jump straight into 2010, this one will do“. In Canada it's winter joys, in Netherlands it's -4, we'll have that here overnight as well, presently we got +11 and a nasty wind shaving, almost needs a jacket.

I guess we did cross into the new year somehow, though... no photos, so it wasn't anything memorable.

Mentions: David Berton, dežurni, doček, Gorana Sredljević (Go), Jan Brenkelen, Jelena Sredljević (Lena), Joška Apro, Marinko Protić, Nevena Sredljević (Nina), nokla, Oliver Byford, oma, serekeš, Undersville, in serbian