
Instead of celebrating our birthday, to Gemenc. Or maybe we didn't, because it was a tuesday, and on monday evening the trio has hit the road as usual.

There's nothing much in the comments in the code for GenerAll - only on 25th in catal6 I wrote that there was an error in v5.73, something about language constants, so possibly something worked in hungarian but not in serbian or reverse, and on 26th in opisfmm4.prg I "added some tricks using fpath.plb, added popup from array, three languages (And to make it easy to add more), and it would be nice if it would agree to insert a #define between #if and #endif...".

On 30th the first form, doctors, in PolC. The big thing begins.

Around that time Szoftex bought an opel astra. I know we've been somewhere to submit our shit to analysis and pass the medical exam - I had something on the edges of my thumbs and index fingers, the skin was becoming stiff and then that would crack and I'd have small wounds, so I mentioned that to the doctor lady. Of course, she prescribed some grease, what else do the dermatologists know, the only effect of which was that I memorized the event. The problem kept on fucking me by bits for another five years. The building (social or whatever institution it was) was near the Gemenc, so we went to meet Vilmos. Perhaps in the clinic or somewhere near, it's just a few hundred meters from downtown. While we were with him, along comes Mihály driving the spanking new astra. Vilmos's old dacia (romanian version of renault 12, made from same parts, same presses, yet they somehow managed to make the car ugly from a pretty and elegant original, dunno what they fucked up but they managed swimmingly) was parked somewhere in full sunshine. They needed Joška and Vanji for something, so I got the keys of the dacia to drive it to the office, the steaming hot as it was. It's not that the controls are any different from regular - perhaps the turn signal was on the right, but then at home I had the same on kafeni, it's that everything was searing hot - metal or plastic, don't know which was worse, and having both windows open almost made it worse. I got there somehow, it's less than two kilometers.

And the astra is, of course, incomparable with the contraption... except it has a matte black metal mesh on the rear doors' windows. Because it was registered as a van for office's own cargo transport, partially tax exempt for that. It almost had to lose the rear doors, or have them blocked, but they managed to avoid that, as doors are required for loading sensitive equipment.

Mentions: catal6, Gemenc, Gemenc Polyclinic, GenerAll, Joška Apro, kafeni, Mihály Weisz, PolC, Szoftex, Vilmos Hausz, Vilmoš Baranji (Vanji), in serbian