Absent words

What is this?
Occasionally I had to translate from Serbian to English, and hit my head against several walls, as it happens to any translator. One of these walls were the words which are absolutely missing in English. In several cases I actually asked Anglophones for help, but didn't get much.
The missing Serbian words are described to the best of my ability. The attempts often proved futile.
9-III-2008 - 9-VIII-2024 go home  
The word I can't translate
Description of a possible translation
one step on a staircase
to let in the rain water, to drip rain
to be rained on; „pokisnuti“ is „to get wet by falling rain“
besounding would be the direct translation. The sound system, be it for playing music at home, or what a band has on stage.
to acquire the skill of walking, as a baby or when relearning it
similarly, propevati - to start singing (actually mostly means „to start confessing stuff under interrogation“), prozviždati - to start whistling (but mostly means that jam has developed a fungal culture which emits gases), proneti - start laying eggs.
umiti se
to wash [one's own] face
nope, that's a nickname from Richard
nope, that's a surname
sorry, the genitals are neither a club nor a church nor a political party, despite appearances
that's latin, I'm looking for an english word
a tiny stab? Let's get serious.
is a chinese surname, not an english word
that's yiddish, looking for an english word
is a rooster, not a reproductive organ
rasaniti se
literally, to undream oneself, i.e. to become fully awake
report would be close enough, though „javiti“ is more „let know“
the seconds hand on a clock
c'mon, this is a technical term, there must be a word for it
prometna tabela
transactional table
look „promet“ above - anything that happens and is registered goes into such tables, even when there was absolutely no transaction between any two entities. Even event logs are such traffic tables.
matična tabela
lookup table
but it remains a matična (matica is the queen bee, or mainstream of a river, or a register such as census) even if you never do any looking
the day after tomorrow
see prekjuče