Absent words - J

What is this?
Occasionally I had to translate from Serbian to English, and hit my head against several walls, as it happens to any translator. One of these were the words which are absolutely missing in English. In several cases I actually asked Anglophones for help, but didn't get much.The missing Serbian words are described to the best of my ability.
9-III-2008 - 25-I-2023 go home  
The word I can't translate
Description of a possible translation
place opposite from dream
the real life, "ni na javi ni u snu" - "neither in ~ nor in a dream"
report would be close enough, though „javiti“ is more „let know“
ježiti se, naježiti se
"to have goose bumps" - doesn't quite work in the age when most of the people haven't seen a goose, even a whole plucked goose, and then having them imagine how their skin in this condition resembles a bumpy goose's skin... it's a stretch
"skin crawls" - really, on its knees?