nemam reči - M

Šta je ovo?
Događalo mi se ponekad da baš moram da prevedem nešto sa srpskog na engleski, i udarim glavom o zid, kako i priliči prevodiocu. Jedan od tih zidova su reči koje ama nikako ne postoje u engleskom, nego mora okolo.Ako umete da pročitate ovaj tekst, onda vam objašnjenje tih reči ne treba - ali treba za anglofone čitaoce, a i da malo proverite jesam li ih valjano objasnio. Oko nekih sam konsultovao te anglofonce, neke su tako i nestale sa spiska, a oko većine pomoći nema.
9-III-2008 - 12-XII-2022 idi kući  
Reč koje nema
opisni prevod na engleski
matična tabela
lookup table
but it remains a matična (matica is the queen bee, or mainstream of a river, or a register such as census) even if you never do any looking
Morton Benson dictionary has "snack, bite" for this, which is completely wrong, or at least missing the main point: meze is what one eats while drinking, or to aid drinking. For snacks there are other words - prezalogajiti, labrcnuti, prihvatiti se (all verbs, true to the nature of the language).
See meze. To eat something while drinking, or something to go with drinking. It's usually bits of cheese (old or young), ham, pršut (prosciutto), and other suhomesnati (dry meats) products.
Opposite from fasting, i.e. fat and meaty. Describes all food and dishes which are not allowed when fasting.
cloud-to-cloud lightning