
Donated blood 2nd time. Probably in good mood after passing the exams so well. One guy didn't pass analysis this time just because he didn't pee before the written part of the exam... and he could solve the problems (you could pass this one without having done your classic 1000 integrals - like I passed - if you knew the properties of integrals) but just had to leave to pee... He pretty much quit studying after that, because he lost the year. The next two exam terms the philosophy of the task changed, it wasn't one long and interconnected story (which is a kind of tradition here, in task #3 you may assume that #1 and #2 are proven theorems, even if you failed to prove them, and you are actually expected to use them).

I heard that he took to drinking etc, but then in 2013 when we organized the gathering, it turned out that he married, had a son and the son tried to weasel out of studying with "if you think it's so easy, why didn't you finish your college"... and he returned to studies just to show his son, and graduated. Wow.

Meanwhile, the old Dom was torn down, after a bigger fire than last time (accidentally happened on monday, when there's nothing going on, no disco, no dance). Too bad, it was a nice dirty old building, reeking finely of yesterday's smoke... Well, new one is being built, and it will be finished soon.

Meanwhile, just like last summer, the dance is in the amphtheatre of the museum. The theatre is behind the wall on the left. Entrance straight from the main square.

And Sleš was the deejay.

Mentions: Dom omladine, Mika Zelenić (Sleš), in serbian