Vasilija Zajić

(Person, Yugoslavia)

The best friend of Ivanka of IV5pp. Wasn't too popular, being a rather pedestrian and behaves-like-my-mother person, mostly to complain about something. Became an accountant and we even had some business contact in 1997 or so, when I was moonlighting with Brlja. She was on the other end of the hall, though, being the chief accountant there, but eventually the results of our code had to go through her hands to be approved... which was in the fall of the same year, and of course there had to be an episode in february 1998, when the annual reports had to be submitted.

Turned out they didn't have a way to pay us for this tezga, so I accepted a payment in natura (leaving Brlja to manage as he can for himself), to get the desk on which I was sitting while we negotiated. This was agreed, and soon forgotten, until a few months later when they needed some live action from me. I reminded them that there's a step missing, I still didn't get paid for the last time... and the desk arrived within 20 minutes, and then I did, likewise. The desk is surdy, on metal frame, the old school ultrapas finish still shiny and smooth. I'm sitting at that desk as I write this.

Last I heard (from Baki was that her husband was ill, and they have huge money problems because of their older daughter's expensive habit.

Mentions: 01-IV-1974., august 1974., Vacation enforcement, 25-V-2019., Branislav Rade (Baki), Elmont, Goran Staković (Brlja), Ivanka Stojančev, IV5pp, tezga, in serbian