
Woke up rather early, went downtown to get some breakfast.

Shot more more pictures. A squirrel! And black, at that. I have never seen one here, the last one was in Virginia. Bt they must have been common, or else why would we have the word.

Also a crane on the docks, looks funny with those feet on the boards. Actually even funnier when you see it walk on the boards. I guess that kind of walk is suitable for swamps, applies less pressure, but on dry land it does look inelegant.

Decided to take the faster way home, the cats must be hungry. Got home by 13:30. By 16:30 we were in Čankovo just to see how's it going. The white plums are almost ripe; there may be some apricots, on just a couple of trees. There will be a few jars of pekmez, no brandy.

Back by 18.

Mentions: Čankovo, pekmez, in serbian