
(Translation, Yugoslavia)

Somewhere around downtown, 2019.

Somewhere around downtown, 2019.

Short for second hand shop. These have sprouted pretty much everywhere, and peaked around 2011-2012, when there were even two of them who charged by the kilo. You just pick whichever garments you like, they put it on a scale and charge you lump. The prices were ridiculous, something like 3€ to 6€ per kilo, while across the street you may pay between 2 and 8€ for a simple T-shirt.

The stuff they sell isn't necessarily second hand - it may just be produced above the ordered amount, or be mislabeled or impounded when smuggling or any other reason for not being retailed when new. And it's often better in quality than the regular retail, while being considerably cheaper. The trouble is that it's a matter of luck - the staff simply doesn't know what they have, they don't know the sizes available (there's usually just one of each - but hey, so it is in retail now, one of each size though). It's a hit or miss, you may leave empty handed or with six pieces.

I've actually seen one with exactly this word for a name. Eventually made a shot of it during the long photo walk 06-VIII-2019..

Mentions: 10-IX-2010., 19-VIII-2012., 06-VIII-2019., 01-VII-2021., 30-IX-2023., 02-X-2023., 26-V-2024., in serbian