
Behind Lesnina. This looks just as it did fifty years ago.

Behind Lesnina. This looks just as it did fifty years ago.

Bajlo got us kind of scared the other friday when he called saying that Dragana is in bad shape, mentioned colonoscopy, surgery... So we went to visit her. Took us a week to find an evening when we weren't busy with something - either me doing some finals on a conversion of data for some clinic, or us both being all day in the garden (present total 89 l of brandy), or she made more papier-mache jewellery or this or that. Finally, today.

Of course, just when I managed to call and say we'd come, my cell phone died. The battery doesn't hold as long as it used to - well, six years. Called her right away from the landline. Didn't sound too well.

Walked over - it's only about 2,5km to Lesnina, where she lives since 1972. She's lost some weight, not that there was much to it, but drop from 50 to 48 kg was very visible, she's quite thin.

We (mostly she) gave her an extensive tour of new german medicine and, according to whatever we gathered from her story and the theory, the surgery she underwent a couple of weeks ago was pretty much unnecessary. The alleged cancer was already decomposing, having done what the body made it for; too bad she lost the 23cm of colon during the surgery.

The big new parking and the gray box on the corner near busodrom. Still no clue what it will be.

The big new parking and the gray box on the corner near busodrom. Still no clue what it will be.

We brought her a liter of our best plum (2 and 3 years old, mixed) and a bunch of our best tomatoes, to cheer her up. I had the eos70 in my bag, but didn't take it out. She just wasn't looking nearly as good as she did at any other time. She wore just underpants and a thin transparent sleeping gown, which reminded me of a similar scene in 1991... but no matter how I always wanted to see her in such an attire, this was not it. This is not her.

On the way home we dropped by debelamačka for a couple of beers. The temperatures were finally bearable. There was some rain a week ago, but it didn't even bring the grass to green, everything's parched.

The new building on the corner by busodrome is practically finished, just needs some trim on the façade. There's no news on what it would be once it opens. The mandatory board with investor etc is either missing or we can't see it from this side.

Few days later I found and sent her a few books on the subject, as email attachment. The translation is mostly correct, though it's mostly a mix of advertising and reporter speech, made even worse by tabloid styled typography, but I correctly guessed that she would see through the shouting and get to the essence. Her comment was „so the whole medicine and pharmacy is mostly a lie? ... fuckit, that would mean that...“. „Yes. But so it is. You can find evidence for yourself, just like we did.“.

Mentions: debelaMačka, Dragana Vitas (Dragana), eos70, Lesnina, Nenad Bajlo (Bajlo), in serbian