
The decision came down to choice of two Toyotas - a '89 Camry and a '94 Corolla, both below the limit of the 5000$. Went to see the latter, since it was in the neighborhood, about four blocks away. We walked all together last evening. Turned out the sellers were a chinese couple, who own a dealership in Richmond, and just lived here. I guess they'd use any cars they thought they could sell here to commute with. Nice red, more like cherry. Gave it a spin and, guess what, just five months after switching from manual to automatic (Poozhoe had 3-gear auto) I forgot to press the clutch while turning the key, and gave it a little jolt. Well I liked the car and then we negotiated a little. It accelerated nicely, even had an AC... how much? 4900, she said. If I paid cash, any discount? Four hundred down without warranty. And what does the warranty cover? Engine and transmission for six months. It's a deal.

They came the today and brought the paperwork. I wrote the check, they filled in the title and we were done in thirty minutes. The check cleared the next day. It passed DMV on 25th (168,50$ for tax and title and whatnot).

At age of 45, I have finally bought a car.

Mentions: Poozhoe, in serbian