
Bilja appeared on skype yesterday. We had agreed, last time we exchanged the few messages, that when her older daughter arrives here in may, with her boyfriend, that we'll give them a tour, but this time... I soon recognized that she's here, in her village. The giveaways - the door, the lace curtain covering the glass, the light switch next to it the same model we have in several places at the old house, plus the four splitters piggybacked on each other in the outlet. Nothing amercan at all.

Her dad has cancer, and may not last, so she came to see him. Actually they came (her sister too). They visited in the state-run nursing home (we pass there every time we go to Čankovo) and then her sister drove her here. Didn't look like a rental car, but then didn't have the time to take a better look. Sister drove away (ah yes, I know the feeling - coming from Boston to visit here, the schedule makes you), but at least the two of them stayed for a few hours. Had a shot of our best apricot, a turkish, scratch that, domestic coffee, chatted as if we saw each other yesterday (did, on skype) and not 34 years ago. I surprised her with three pictures from 28-VI-1970. - we didn't know each other then, but I recognized her when I reshot the pictures from the negative (which wasn't actually mine, it belonged to school, but it was the end of my elementary school and I never got around to return it, the better). She had long hair and bangs then, and then in september when we met she cut it really short, kind of minimalistic page style, which was popular briefly.

Had some of pancakes, with strawberry pekmez (from our garden, of course). (... 56 words...) Nice evening altogether.

On the other side, one of the more prominent ladies at burundi, famous by her contributions to the "how I discovered sex with 15 years' delay" topic, is getting married. The Burundians have found her a good tambour band, she's got the location and the other band sorted out, now the photographer. I just mentioned, BTW, that I prefer to be the side shooter, to have no obligation to catch the important scenes but rather shoot around, behind the scenes, on the sidelines, catch the atmosphere, catch the detail, have fun and enjoy myself. She ignored the BTW and I got a gig. The fee would be to find me a place to sleep it out and to leave the car. She first wanted to come along - like "you leave me at that place near Vrdnik" but when she heard it's the afternoon and evening, just told me to go on my own. Well, it will be interesting. Scheduled for 31st march.

Nina called again, just after lunch - the now usual time, as she's 7 hours ahead there in the Philippines. They went to a swimming pool, she feels so much lighter in the water. She looks normal except the belly, which is huge. Not so much wide - not wider than before - just sticks way out in front. She's about four weeks due now.

Mentions: 28-VI-1970., 31-III-2018., Biljana Lajković (Bilja), burundi, Čankovo, Nevena Sredljević (Nina), pekmez, in serbian