Franci (Franc Bauer)

(Person, Yugoslavia)

Vanji's and my roommate, a semester each. A mild, nice and slightly quirky guy. He studied chemical engineering, and I don't know whether he actually graduated that - he was in the movies, and eventually got to work at Novi television. Haven't seen him at all after leaving that house where we lived in the spring of 1976, just saw his name on the closing credits a few times.

„airplane roars like dumb“

Mentions: 09-V-1974., Defence and last days, 15-II-1976., 28-III-1976., 07-IV-1976., 17-IV-1976., New forest, 17-VI-1976., 10-X-1977., Milovan Sebešćen (Beštara), Novi Sad, Vilmoš Baranji (Vanji), in serbian