
The little show in local community center, which is just a plain house but has one big room streetside, as it used to be tavern "Ujedinjenje" (becoming union, since 1918). It was mostly used for various meetings and held what little paperwork there was. Probably just a secretary and a couple of volunteers, plus the retirees' club in the back, where they play chess and knit.

Remembering this because this is when we had our first school rock band - with Adža, some guy who later graduated maths and ended up friends with Strle in Boston or thereabouts. The third guy was the drummer, very dark faced and dark haired, a good natured guy and a frajer of some repute in his end, don't remember seein him later. Also A.Z.* on melodica.

These guys actually played first the school show for 29th november, that's probably when I first saw an electric guitar in real life.

I only remember they played "Rain and tears", and that nobody dared ask a girl to dance, we were just sitting or standing around. Well. At least (which I wrote down four months later) I came a bit closer to Oli Boj.


* he became a photographer. Married S. who was just cute, also graduated maths (starting with the local group on petefi) and likewise I never saw her at the faculty. They have a shop near downtown. She comes to anniversaries, he doesn't.

Mentions: Dušan Starkić (Strle), frajer, Olivera Stojanović (Oli Boj), petefi, Stanimir Hadžić (Adža), in serbian