
The former tractor, extractor, came today. She plugged it together, I inserted the wheels, and then she redid the mattress in the yellow room. The bad job the guys did the other day has left too much, as if they did nothing. When she finished, it was like new - one'd never guess that four kids have peed on it dozens of times each.

saxo is next, tomorrow.

Borko came in the evening, finally. A lens fell out of his glasses back on 15-IX-2018. and she found it the next day. A few days later he called to check whether we found it and was happy to hear that we did, it's trifocal and screwy to make and costs accordingly. Tried to bring Veca along, but she's got family arrangements... first grandchild born, about three months old now, and then she had the flu, then daughter had one, and then the son-in-law was supposed to come (he's a trucker, working for some outfit in Slovenia, like many now do, though he doesn't make as much as I heard they do, and has to support his parents, well, mother only now) but his schedule changed so he didn't. So Borko came alone.

We had a few drinks (apricot, then tutti frutti, then he asked for the cherry), talked a lot about pretty much everything. Indeed, he was a bore for ages, from elementary to graduation at college, with his manner of speech always imitating wrong comedians, but now that he's a grandfather and a widower... it finally settled and looks good on him. Somehow. As Dragana said "you mean to say he's finally a frajer".

Mentions: 15-IX-2018., Dragana Vitas (Dragana), frajer, Mališa Borkovski (Borko), saxo, Vera Stojanović (Veca), in serbian