
The oldwave gang probably met on 6th, at Novi fair. The fair being generally of agricultural nature, this time it was all computer oriented. The master of networking for those two or three days was Škrba himself, who barely had the time to breathe, was overworked, overtired and later, many years later, confessed that in the evening he just sat in the chair to leaf through some leaflet... and found himself on the floor a couple of hours later, with horrible cramps, as he got asleep there on the chair within seconds. I brought Zyanna's CD and passed it to him to compress, and he was supposed to return it to me when done.

Don't quite remember who else was there; from office I think I got at least Pali and maybe Peja. I guess someone else was driving, as this was probably the time when I remembered I was their boss, so I could have a couple of beers with my gang.

(from the.log in dijeta directory, of all places)

Notes taken while playing around with vpm

16 nov 98

cleanup code for a field (this goes for the validation as well) - this is altogether wrong. this code is stored who knows where, and executed as an out-of-the-form function, which knows zilch about the controls on the form etc. It has to rely on the fields' values, and it doesn't know anything about the control it's invoked for. I've quite often had functions which calculated one value (say, final quantity) from several others (for one, volume of wood from sizes of one piece, times trash percentage, times number of pieces), and it worked instead of five functions I'd have to write otherwise.

In real OOP world, I'd write one method on the form and pass This as a reference (or this.name), so it would know where it was called from. vpm's validation doesn't accept parameters (or does it?).

[gosh, ctrl+end and ctrl+home doesn't work in the editor... could this vpm give me the fox back?]

It really deliberately closes the method window and form editor window when I press Ctrl+F to do some search, and brings me back to Project manager. Though, it doesn't from the Object Builder.

It managed to lose the .sct files in two of my forms. Luckily I didn't do much on them.

Currently, I'm writing this (opened this file from the Project Manager, couldn't find any other way to have a log file at hand. Didn't want to hack the starting .prg to issue my usual "on key label f9 modi file the.log", and there's no command window. While editing, I clicked on the project manager window, and it asked me whether I wanted to save-abort-cancel the changes in this file. I thought the file editing windows were not modal... now they are. It seems to employ a timer somewhere to control my activities.

Another funny thing: I've accidentally tried to create a new form as a copy of one of the forms with bad/missing .sct, and, guess what, the new form is equally bad.

This means that Ford has already passed me the apps and vpm and whatever else was necessary, I think access to Zero's FTP was arranged, so I downloaded and installed and was getting acquainted with the tools and apps. And that I, of course, cunted like an earthworm (one of more colorful expressions here, means losing lots of nerves over something) over all that I wrote above, and I wrote it exactly because of that. Because I tend to forget the obstacles, I just surmount them and push onward, and later can't remember what was it that I cunted about.

Mentions: Allan Robin (Ford), dijeta, fox, Gradivoj Škrbić (Škrba), Novi Sad, oldwave, Pali Bodor, the.log, Vladimir Pejin (Peja), VPM, Zero Distance (Zero), Zyanna, in serbian

5-IX-2019 - 27-VI-2024