(Machine, Yugoslavia)

Sold by Iskra Delta, as a classic cupboard, but also reshaped into the futuristic design Triglav. stour had three of them, one 644 and two 400. Triglav also had a version which ran unix. The terminals connected via 200mA loop, using VT100 protocol (which we used a lot, with all the escape sequences for positioning on screen, block graphics etc). Presprom sold a few of Triglavs (mostly through us in the erc of the stour) - to the hospital, to stambena here and in Vršac, to the construction company (where Mima was the chief of IT later).

Mentions: 01-IX-1986., november 1986., 22-V-1987., june 1987., 23-VIII-1987., september 1987., 12-XI-1987., First allnighter, 15-XI-1987., january 1989., Interest calculus, 10-II-1989., Plate gets hot, erc, Joži Ramada, juski, Merima Tabarski (Mima), Presprom, stambena zadruga, stour, Žića, in serbian

16-XI-2019 - 23-VI-2024