
We took the girls to visit the old house. Finally some life in there, it's mostly deserted nowadays. The grape vines in the backyard have overflown both the garage and the backstreet wall, going over it all the way down to the pavement. Cut as much as I could. The horseradish around the huge spruce is gradually and slowly taking over more and more ground. We only need to pick a good time to root it out - the commercially available stuff in jars is toothless and is only about 23% horseradish, the rest of it being water vinegar and horseshit. They let it evaporate so it doesn't bite - what's the point then? It's worse than decaf, it kills the taste and the whole experience.

The spruce is huge. The greens have been campaigning for saving them and buying only those with the lump of soil around the rooot, not cut off, so that they can be replanted after doček. Which mostly almost works, and then a few months later, or two years later, they wither and die. Except this one, this is the once in a lifetime when replanting the spruce works. This must have been planted somewhere between 1988 and 1992 - anything later would be at the new house.

I made a recording of the old brass mortar and pestle, and later set that as the ringtone on my old nokla. These days I went around and recorded many sounds, hoping to compose something to replace the sounds I inadvertently deleted from the phone. Eventually I settled for hens, as the message sound.

Mentions: doček, nokla, in serbian