
Das has two more in his office. The girl is nice but it would take her some time to learn the ropes. Geography of Firriver is now, IIRC, Netherlands: 5, Canada: 6, US: 1,1, UK: 1, Serbia: 1, Ireland: 1,1 and India: 4. We still have only 2 slots for terminal services on the new dev, new support.

I took a ride on the bicycle, took a few shots around the square between the bus station and (just opened) Lidl, where they've removed the traffic light and started digging to first move the underground pipes (water, sewer, perhaps gas) so they can build a roundabout. The Lidl opening thus went with a dozen people wearing signs on several corners, to point to the drive around route, as the direct one was impassable, and will remain so for a month or two. They had to dig a lot.

At the same time, they built another one on the south road, at the place where the future beltway will connect. The local newspaper ridiculously claimed these will reduce the number of accidents, which is bullshit - everyone knows that there were no accidents on that stretch of the south road yet (they'd happen a kilometer before or two after) and this one was just about the safest intersection, what with police HQ being 100m away. And, boy, they did have to dig a lot. Some of these pipelines are buried 3m deep, and spread almost 2m.

Nina sent a few pics from their trip to Hunters' lodge or some such place. Didn't see much, just that Lena is wearing a swimsuit and the twins are wearing none.

Mentions: Firriver Fertility (Firriver), Jelena Sredljević (Lena), Mohandas Raj (Das), Nevena Sredljević (Nina), in serbian