
In MPP-316, it was decided to have a new kind of grouping of recipients for web messages (in Feds portal), and the suggested solution (related to FF6-551) was to have a new entity representing such sets of recipients. Initially it was suggested to be called ‘department’ but that already exists in Feds, so words like ‘usergroup’, ‘team’, ‘department/team’, ‘topic’ were floated on a CR* meeting a week (or so) ago. To my knowledge, the dice fell in favor of ‘topic’ (lacking logic as much as anything else) so Nina wrote the solution that way. All of a sudden Karl wants it reverted to ‘department’ as per clinics’ desires (but then where was that word in the original specs, if any, I don’t see that anywhere), and the discussion in the case leaves an impression of “with all due respect, do as I say”, IOW a project manager acting as a boss.


* change request meeting, where we'd discuss what customers were asking for, and what would it mean in terms of working hours and app's value, should we do it at all, and if yes, how many versions later

Mentions: Feds, Karl Poulain, Nevena Sredljević (Nina), in serbian