
The secret team at Firriver had a clash with reality. They wanted their version in Vault before the regular version was clean (Nick tested, found errors, reported, tested more, found more). Nina had to maneuver the versions into something usable and maintain integrity of each as far as she could, though with the result that there’s still no one clean version. But the secret team seems to have been under the gun that this new stuff must be demoed asap, and deployed no matter what. Protocols? All of a sudden there are two.

She’s seriously thinking off charging an extra couple of grand for interteam coordination and end-to-end testing, which wasn’t her job before.

And now this secret team has its own server in Toronto, actually a copy of old dev server. Putting this together with the news that new offices are prepared in Toronto (which would get Bruce and Karl into trouble, more than an hour of commute one-way)…

Yesterday I pretty much slept the day off. With thoughts that I may not wake up at all - this kind-of-flu made it hard to breathe. And it's been coming and going since december, with times when I'd get really winded up for nothing, for just walking a bit. But this day I was in some kind of light delirium, dreaming up a network of independent entities, for which I'd be preparing some kind of software support through local radio or some other distributed framework, to make them more standalone and able to fight... don't remember what. It was more about the method than about the goal. My semi-abstract dreams do get so convoluted, dunno if other programmers have it.

But breathing was becoming a problem. I'd either pant like a dog, or try to fill my lungs to burst. But I've already expanded them to max, so just exhale and do it again. Then I realized I didn't exhale enough, and remembered that I can hold my breath for at least half a minute, so why do I start inhaling so early again? Forced myself to exhale more, empty my lungs to make room for fresh air... and it worked. I'm still alive and kicking.

It will take me more than two months to get back to normal. This was just the tipping point, the worst that it got. Of course, I had to do it on a sunday, silly me.

Mentions: Bruce Furlane, Firriver Fertility (Firriver), Karl Poulain, Nevena Sredljević (Nina), Nicolas O'Keefe (Nick), in serbian