
And, ah, the Azure service (or whatever they used for payments) was inoperable for a few days, m$ screwed up.

Kees: btw, I head hat azure was down for a few hours?

Nina: yes. So stable. Such security. Much wow.

Kees: That's going to be a huge problem when we have 30 clinics down at once

Nina: lol

Kees: I'm already looking forward to the first time this will happen :P

Nina: I need more popcorn

Kees: haha

In other news, Sanda started puckering her mouth, a real duckface, regularly, so I finally caught her on camera.

Mentions: Kees de Cock, Majkrosoft (m$), Nevena Sredljević (Nina), Sanda Sredljević Aquilla (Sanda), in serbian