
Somewhere in Egypt or Emirates... the sculptures of sperm entering the egg.

Somewhere in Egypt or Emirates... the sculptures of sperm entering the egg.

Suez is either on a tour, or teaching a new clinic how to use Feds. One of the richer clients in an unlikely place. It's a weird world.

One of the last meetings of the organizational committee for the 45th maturski. Judging by the photos (from my nokla E5, no flash, ergo quite bad), attended by Borko, Dragana, me, Jozda, probably Žuca and dozen others.

The Renesansa cafe downtown is in some kind of a small shopping mall in the middle of štrafta. The space was previously occupied by Forum's bookshop and one more little shop, and then according to city ordinance that any storeyed buildings on main street be preserved, but the ground floor only ones can go, it was torn down and this glasshouse was built. It hosts a few shops, including at least one mobile phone provider at ground level, and a few boutiques in the back, including that of Mongol. The cafe has some part there too, but the main is upstairs. The toilet is shared for the whole floor, which means it would be open to anyone, and considering that there are no public toilets in the whole city (actually there is one just 50m away, across the street, by vodotoranj, but it's not working), they have put a coded lock. Previously, you'd get the code printed on your fiscal bill, but that has changed, probably because many people left those on their tables and any passerby could just pick it, go upstairs and have a leak. And that's exactly what the cafes on main street want to avoid - they don't want to be public urinals. So the code is now *nnnnnn#, but the dial pad is in just two columns and I didn't bring my glasses. The little strips of paper with the code are in an ashtray on the bar, so you just pick one, walk down the hall, enter the code... and that's where the problem is, I almost peed in my pants. The digits were dancing in front of my eyes, I'd mistype some, press # instead of * etc. Made it barely in time. And it was raining outside. So when Dragana said we should go, I thought of going for another leak, as there was some confusion so the waiter brought me two beers instead of one, but then I didn't feel much of the pressure yet so I skipped trying to open that door.

By the time we reached Lesnina, the pressure was unbearable. So we went upstairs to her place and I had a few leaks over an hour or two. And a couple of brandies. I guess we talked about... whatever, can't quite remember.

By the time I continued my walk home, the rain didn't subside, and I had another leak at some dark corner at the bus station. There wasn't anyone around, anyway. Having only the soft Kompako shoes, the old ones, my legs were quite wet, maybe not inside the shoes, but the jeans legs around the calves were.

Mentions: 01-XII-2023., Dragana Vitas (Dragana), Feds, Jovan Zdanić (Jozda), Lesnina, Mališa Borkovski (Borko), maturski parastos, nokla, Suez Lima, štrafta, vodotoranj, Žika Šašić (Mongol), Živana Armatović (Žuca), in serbian