
The degustation I planned for this winter finally happened, though not in intended order. I thought to do it last week, but because of the funeral I delayed it. Bajlo came and brought Staša. We just sat and had a couple of shots of last year's apricot ("is potable"), and talked a lot. I had a case of mild cultural shock, when Violet came and said "my name is ..." and they got none of it. We learned russian, not english, in school. Even Staša, although a programmer, didn't get it, probably because he knew all those commands as if latin, without the need to ever pronounce them. Programming english is write-only.

Bajlo was, amazingly, not talking much.

There was a lot of talk about twins, though, even some who were quite identical to the uninitiated, yet those who knew them would recognize them across a soccer field.

On 8th Das called, something about

2020/01/06 07:04:33 AM	File "\\D91W7ND2\DATA\..._DOB19630617\LETTERS\...DAY__1_SHEET_71607.DOC" not found on disk.

...which is from the doc2pdf converter, obviously meaning that the files mentioned in the docs table, candidates for conversion, don't exist on the expected location on disk. Just told him where to look. What else can I do, I've uninstalled all the remoting tools.

Mentions: Mohandas Raj (Das), Nenad Bajlo (Bajlo), Stanoje Serdarević (Staša), Violet, in serbian