
We installed the new rear door. The old one was leaking air everywhere, and was horrible to look at - dog scratches up to 1,5m height on both sides.

Now we saw how the house was built. It's all slat and sheetrock, what brick it has is only the outer cover, it's not carrying anything but itself. The firewalls between the apartments are of cinder blocks, and we know that the ceilings are held by upright planks of eight inches, but the verticals are sheer two by fours. And there's no insulation between the bricks, just air.

Four days later we repeated that with the front door.

And how we got the door - bought them at Lowe's, for 200$ each. They cost six hundred with mounting, which we, of course, can do on our own. So this is eight hundred we didn't have to dish out. And they have a small truck, no bigger than a two-ton, and rent it for 20$ an hour. So I left the car on their parking, had them load the doors on the truck, drove it home, unloaded, returned the truck and took the car. It's not that far, anyway, one kilometer max, straight line.

In the evening, we went for a walk on the boardwalk. One of them art festivals was held, with about hundred booths with arts and crafts and decorative tidbits. Saw this guy Katić from A-burg, still painting horses and selling them well.

On the 24th street stage, Earth, wind and fire were performing. For free, that is we all pay for it through real estate tax and car registration, city hired them. They ain't much, actually I remember only their name but no songs. But here, they're still working, even small gigs like this. Now looking them up on wikipedia, I see hey sold 90 million records, but fucket, I still don't remember a single title. Must be an american thing, like Grateful Dead. Come to think of it, same goes for Fleetwood Mac after Peter Green - they sold oodles of records, and I can't digest them at all, except just a couple of songs. You have to be an Amer to like that.

Little village show.

Of the few dozen shots I made, this traffic sign became famous later. It literally means no foul language on the boardwalk and Atlantic. I don't know how they enforce it, and do they at all, but there's such a regulation in the city. Also cruising on Atlantic is prohibited, and it's defined as slow ride more than once per 30 minutes. The definition is somewhat loose, but a skilled cop can use it creatively when needed to calm down a bunch of guys in a spacious car, crawling along the curb and making catcalls to the girls on the sidewalk. Which is a true and time proven american tradition.

Nina was to a gamers' convention (in Richmond?), where they dress up as game characters. Mom sewn the costume.

Mentions: Annenburg (A-burg), Nevena Sredljević (Nina), in serbian