17-I-2020.: First frendz parti

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The plan on how to pass the winter is finally coming alive. Wanted to do this before doček but events interefered, so now. Over the last two days I called Dragana and Borko to come and taste the new apricot brandy, and scheduled it for tonight. The deal was to take a cab (he lives two blocks from Lesnina and she in it) so we can drink.

It went swimmingly - they came on time, we talked all the time, drank a few. The general agreement is that the 2019 apricot is somehow better than the 2017 one. It could be the pectolytic enzime we started adding at about halfway through the season, which breaks up the pectin and releases more sugars and a few other things. We'll see when we get to the first half, I poured this from the last cask.

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And, ah, we allowed ourselves to smoke inside. Ever since Nina came with the kids we took it as default not to smoke downstairs. Not as a really strict rule, just a general one, what with the terrace just one door away. In the evening, though, and specially now in the winter, it gets rather cold outside so we smoke upstairs, in that wide unfinished front room.

All in all, this turned out right, everyone liked it, and then someone (Nina?) had an idea that this could go rounds, to which Dragana readily replied „sure, my place on friday then“, and so it began. After a few times, it will gain the name frendz parti.

Mentions: doček, Dragana Vitas (Dragana), frendz parti, Lesnina, Mališa Borkovski (Borko), Nevena Sredljević (Nina), in serbian