
Off to Čankovo again. This time I put the hedge trimmer on the T2 and cut taller weeds wherever I could, then finished them off with the mower. The nice thing with this new machinery is that I get tired just the same, but get so much more done. She pretty much finished off the weeding of the three rows.

It's the first day of spring, and we're sitting outside, having coffee. But it's sort of pointless, the guys at burundi are predicting a short rerun of winter in a few days, including two days of frost and some symbolic snow. Symbolic or not, the apricots will be fried. And still unknown damage to other fruit which was close to blossoming.

The dogs are not barking at night. I took the Dune 2003 miniseries and watched it all in one go before sleeping.

Mentions: burundi, Čankovo, in serbian