
So I'm 14 now. The work on the bathroom is in full swing, so dad and I were going around all day, getting things for it.

Tejka came at 18:10... taller than me, plus heels, ouch. We sat for a while, going through the records (singles only, didn't even know there could be rock on albums)(scratch that, it was a longplejka for years, the word album didn't appear until at least 1972). She retold me the story from last night, how Patak complained that nobody understands him but one friend (kind of part of the gang but mostly absent), and "what does she [i.e. Rencika] mean I should buy her candy and chocolates as if she were a little girl and I her dad", followed by official "I have nothing with you from now on". Which is why she couldn't come because she was all broken, Dragana and Gradivoj from solidarity, Oli Boj... well I have some suspicions that Tejka may have manipulated a few of them out of coming.

The only other guy who came was Kale.

Whatever happened, there it was, and it was actually a nice evening.

Three days later, his ex's birthday, at the corner (yep, the house where there was no shop at the time). Amazingly, too many girls and just a few guys. It seems we had too much fun, I danced with all the girls, specially with the celebrant, but some aunt or niece would drop in every twenty minutes to "cool down the milk for the little boy" - the celebrant had a baby brother, obviously 13 years younger. Of course, she'd turn on the light each time, thus killing the atmosphere. Each such party was entirely based on only as much light as was needed to flip the records, take one off the plate and put the next one. Just enough for the dancers to come out of whatever daydreaming they were engaged in, and to decide whether they wanted to dance one more together, take a break, or partner up with someone else.

Mentions: David Jamaček (Kale), Dragana Vitas (Dragana), Emerencija Nerdelji (Rencika), Gradivoj Čović, Olivera Stojanović (Oli Boj), Patak, Slavica Tejin (Tejka), in serbian