
The craze we started these days was about the small pocket sling. Many boys had it. It was made of 2,5mm2 (3,5 was better, stronger) gauge insulated copper wire, where the last 4mm of the insulation were taken off, then a thin rubber thread ran through them, such as you can find in your underpants, where there are perhaps twenty such making the elastic band, then reattached to the ends of the wire. This was the mini sling that would fit any pocket, it was so small, perhaps 50mm across. For ammunition they'd use pieces of twisted pair wire, U shaped. The favorite target were girls legs. It wouldn't do much damage, wasn't dangerous at those heights (would be nasty if it hit anyones eye, so they shot low), and would create a temporary annoyance, quarrel, bad language. Passed the time.

This day someone asked me, as the physics and oto expert, what would happen if just the fork was stuck into a 220V outlet. The answer was obvious (and everyone seemed to know it, just wanted it confirmed) - this is a short circuit, it would pull some significant power, the nearest fuse would blow, so the wire wouldn't have the time to get too hot. So they tried it on the spot. It took some time for the outage (the whole floor, four classrooms... or maybe five) to be noticed, then the house majstor came to see what's going on, replace the fuse, and that was it for the day.

The historically correct version of the scene: one of them is standing in front of the outlet with this sling aimed. And doesn't quite dare to do it. I tell him "come on, you're insulated". "Well if you know it all, you do it". So I did.

So I was famous for a day.

The next day, someone else did it - Zvojko and another guy. Tejka thought it was me again.

19th, on ruža, Tejka says "want some sunflower?" "seeing as you have it, well then..." "I don't but Rencika has some". To which Rencika attacked her verbally, not picking words. Then some guys came and spread, as gifts, the "children of vine sex revolution", aka grapes. Which they probably stole somewhere. Patak was taking us downtown to some wheat. Passing by Šanta...

"Dragana, why don't you work at Šanta as a singer?"

"yeah, right, now I get in and they just stuff a microphone in my hand. I work sundays only, though"

"and other days?"

"well, you know, school, obligations"

There we split ways, he went downtown to meet Gradivoj ("I'll be bringing two girls, one for you"), Tejka went home, just a block away, rest of us back to ruža.

Next day, at school, it was just enough to say "wheat" and to get everyone, who was in, to laugh.

me: really, why didn't we go downtown yesterday?

Tejka: well Rencika, you know... she must crap each time.

23rd, the bathroom is finished. It almost saved me a day, I was supposed to have a haircut the day before, but wanted to was the results in the new bath. But no, mom wanted me in exemplary shape for the PTA (why did we have to have it together with the parents - as if we could defend ourselves, these meetings together were no help). Dad said "on the meetings of school council, when it comes to learning and accomplishments, I can be only proud of you, but when it comes to wear and neatness, I can only blush". The dispute didn't go well, all three of them vehemently denying me any right to feel insulted by anything, I'm no prince etc etc. OK, exercise your power...

The haircut was actually minimal. I passed mostly unscathed. And washed it off the next day. On we go. Freshly washed, my hair stands up a bit, and immediately I was asked when am I going to have a haircut. Ha, ha.

Mentions: Dragana Vitas (Dragana), Emerencija Nerdelji (Rencika), Gradivoj Čović, majstor, OTO, Patak, ruža, Slavica Tejin (Tejka), Šanta, Zvonko Darišić (Zvojko), in serbian