
In Richmond again. Found this Burlington shop, which we promplty renamed Brljington, where we spent at least two hours, while the girls were picking jackets for the winter. Go eventually found something made of sturdy cloth, which was priced down several times.

„Brlja“ is a muddy puddle, or an ink blot. Brljati, verb, means to act randomly, without much thinking or attention, to create mess.

Nina and Ricardo study the same major, computing („computer science“... there are many things called science around here, there's even a rocket science, and over time I guess they also had steam science and wind powered science). Their minors are different, she took to psychology and he to economics. So it often happened they helped each other, or checked each other's progress/bugs.

I see we already bought them the window AC units, to survive the summer (which is deep into october here) heat and humidity. The desks are the same ones we bought in october 1999. Cheap and bad chinese jobs, we had trouble assembling them, several screws were just wrong, but once we were done, they lasted a few forevers. Some parts of it may still be in use.

Mentions: Gorana Sredljević (Go), Nevena Sredljević (Nina), Ricardo Manuel Bariero (Ricardo), in serbian