
Nina somehow got the ticket to watch „Hair“ at the local university, some student troupe is playing it. I still didn't know much of that area around the university, specially this area north of the extension of our street - the university I knew was south of it. The campus (aka camp, field), in the stricter sense, would be north. Or... I think this part is a more recent addition, the part that's interspersed with the city being older. So I studied the map again (on paper or on screen, that is the question) and gathered that the place is not too hard to find. We could even walk there, but just in case and it being a night, better by car.

And okay, the play is better than what we saw in Zadar in 1978, by some travelling troupe. The students thought it better, built atmosphere by entering their roles an hour in advance and mingled with the audience in that outfit and mood. Nina found some guy to chat with, so I stood mostly aside, but it seems not enough. Possibly the guy was the sound majstor for the evening, so he had to vanish soon.

There, if I didn't have a chance to see it in Atelje 212* in 1968, give what you give. Not bad, all in all, though the taking off scene wasn't performed all the way to the original.


* the avant-garde theatre in Belgrade, where the BITEF theatre festival originated. Ahead of its time in many ways.

Mentions: majstor, Nevena Sredljević (Nina), Zadar, in serbian

9-II-2024 - 30-VI-2024