
Novi. We went to a movie, and I have no idea what was it that we watched. She had that t-shirt with „lemon film“ and other such captions, that much I still do remember. We went for an earlier show, at 18, and the movie wasn't too long so we had time to walk to her place, there in the basement. There we played cards, made coffee, had fun, with all five girls in the room. Well, looking at these pictures, this seems to have been some serious čorba or a gulaš, equally possible.

They even practiced entering through the window, not to make noise to the landlord.

And then it was already late, so I took my leave and we kind of said all of them goodbyes and whatnots. Then I waited for everything to calm down and the lights to be turned off, then came to the basement window. It was open. Đenđi was with one of the other three roommates in some other room.

We did this only once, as the end of semester was near.

Around that time I spotted, in Muzički magazin in dunAvska, „Stvaranje“ (creation), the album of Maja de Rado and Porodična manufaktura crnog hleba. The sleeve had a large R stamped on it, meaning rasprodaja (on sale). Fuckya, first nobody even knows that the album exists, you didn't even bother to send a copy to radio stations to give it a spin, and less than two months later it's on sale. Seems like someone was trying to prove that this kind of music doesn't sell, by not selling it.

Of course I dived right into the shop. The happy coincidence is that the records thus marked go for pittance, my weekly budget was undisturbed.

Mentions: čorba, Đenđi Ujlaki, Novi Sad, in serbian