
Wrote this to Jack:

In class browser, the code which exports into ViewCode.prg (procedure brwExportClass in browser.prg) outputs the code prefixed by nothing (when the code belongs to the top level class) or just the object name (when it belongs to a member). However, when it's anything deeper than one level of containership, this isn't enough. If you have Command1 in five containers on several pages on a pageframe, where does the "Procedure command1.click" go? Now if we apply this fix, we get "Procedure Formname.Pageframe.Page2.Command1.Click", which is then enough for my builder to pinpoint the commandbutton whose code it is.

And I've stumbled upon a problem and fixed it - by changing one line in class browser.

He replied

Looks cool. Yes, the containership issue in the Class Browser is well known. If you have no objections, I’ll pass this along to Grant for possible inclusion into fox 9.0

And so it was, it's there. It's a bit strange, though - these couple of lines are there, but commented out and the old code still runs. The filedates are from december 2004, and the comment reads

„* RMK - 2004/05/11 - per ID 233847, added code to put in full object hierarchy here“.

Well, so much for my place in the history of fox.

On thirtieth our local newspaper at home published my second article about life in the US, this time about the grub. Where I recounted everything I could think of, that was already on sGradlj.com in some shape (though still probably on Yahoo, I wasn't a dot com yet) - about american passion for garlic, about cheese of skimmed and boiled milk, about bread one can't eat without a toaster (to which Škrba once said „wish I once saw you eating it with a toaster“) etc. Joška is the web admin of the paper's site, and this way even became a source of content. Writer exists, he managed the finding thereof.

Mentions: fox, Gradivoj Škrbić (Škrba), Grant Laurel, Jack Baran, Joška Apro, sGradlj.com, in serbian