
For oldwave:

A package from Virginia arrived here :)

Not to believe - just about the same time when Mr Pig pulled that thing out of his mouth and stood in front of the microphones. Six kazEts and a CD - from Zyanna, no less.

Burt wrote something how they got themselves into debts to publish this, but this one is just for me, Zyanna gave it, I'll have to figure out what her name was before. (never did, or if I did, forgot)

Volunteer for mp3ing? (umm... how's that pronounced, empy threeing?). .to Boća and others who have contacts on local [radio] stations: only oppositional stations to be considered to play this.

On the cassettes are mostly the early works by band members and wider neightborhood, plus some stuff en general, including Butthole Surfers (take the kids outside :), and, finally after twenty seven years

John Barleycorn must die


p.s. still haven't listened to it, wife keeps listening to the news how that one knelt... or maybe crouched, because he was in big necessity*

На *** нема ги падеж _ут:7 овди *** расправа о брзинским тестовима још траје... велим да све чекам кад ће да нам улети *** нема ги падеж _џимБут овди *** и каже како је све то ситно о чему расправљамо и да је боље да се окренемо важнијим стварима. Глас здравог разума, врло често, он је.

hopefully he'd jump in saying how small the nothing was, and we'd better concentrate on more important issues. Voice of common sense, very often, he is.


* big and small necessity, or must, are euphemisms for pee and shit

Mentions: Božidar Sokolović (Boća), oldwave, Reginald Burton Cape (Burt), Zyanna, in serbian

26-VI-2024 - 27-VI-2024