
My sezam subscirption expired, so Škrba is passing what I emailed to the gang... first those fisix shots from the tiny Seiko, such as they were (and for which pretty [dick] were they converted into .bmp, must have sent them from something by m$, nobody sane would convert a compressed image into a bulkier format. Must be my office machine came with all theirs preinstalled... I'll have to acquire a machine soon, I don't have to tolerate this kind of shit.

(the inner level of replies is his)

I see, you're bad off (((:

Well you can't see that those two gallon canisters contain milk... and the worn out paint on the Poozhoe is a tad too obvious... though, one doesn't look a gift horse in the mouth, but žajdž*.

How did the girls manage? What's Lena's comments? Did she beat them down with that tongue sculpture**? (((:

She showed it to the doctor on the systematic checkup for school :) (Ahem, it cost 2*75$ because we didn't go to regular one, but something quick, with Prompt Care doctor's cooperative).

Believe me that I didn't even have the time for sezam, still having no home machine. When I patch the hole on that side, we'll see. Though, the boss may just give me one box to take home, and then expect me to crunch it there too.

And on tuesday the fair at Novi begins, the same one where last november we heard the news of your departure. Between then and now, you left, Niksi is in Madrid, Maltez is in Dubai, Fenči is on Sicily, and I know a few more...

Conquering the world we are, indeed. BTNJ, where was that server where we leave mp3ed stuff? I have a few things which I treeed myself in the (defense) and last days, whan I finally found the extra din5->činč [RCA] jack. As for sound system, so far I have one Pioneer from the early ninetiies (from Burt), radio/amp, and a gramAphone on which only one channel works (gramophone only). Without antenna it was catching one local channel, with a coathanger a score. As much as three stations broadcast oldwave, one of which is too far into domestic wave, heard them piš bojz [piss boyz i.e. beach boys] more than taste permits, then found one which beats only jazz whole day, stayed on that one whole weekend („why do they play jazz second day in a row, is it that they're bombarding somewhere?“), so found this now, a few more Yewropeans.

What am I waiting for? For distilling rakija to be legalized on american continent.

It is legal as long as you don't sell wholesale. Only if you become interesting to the tax collectors, then it's a problem, otherwise distill if it pays to you. Again, it depends from state to state.

Hold on. I'm glad you've finally got there and that you got on, I hope, the proper roll.

Yes off cross :). Now for about a week we'll abstain from shopping a little, until next half salary lands, and then slowly, writing desks, teevee, cable, microwave, additions to sound system, a shelf here or there, some rag... and a darker beer, just to make it not dry. I won't be buying wine, they don't smoke the ham properly. And the bread is all squishy and unusable without a toster.

Throw this freely into groups, whereby I of course expect you'll undertake attention about ŠĆĐ even when I'm not looking at you :)

For this about bread and toaster he got me at the curve, „trying to imagine you eating bread and toaster...“.


* ouch, this has a history. It's „hajde“ (come on, okay), often abbreviated to 'ajde, and then to 'ajd' as well... but, someone typed the left apostrophy instead of the right one, and then it underwent a conversion from juski into something else, and the left apostrophy is a ž there. Finally, when I converted this message into cyrillic, the дж (dž) became a џ (dž as one character, pronounced like j in jay).

** оно кад се језик искриви у талас, нешто као W... Све три умеју то да ураде, а умео сам понекад и ја.

** when the tongue is bent into a wave, something W-like. All three know how to do that, and so did I at times.

Mentions: Gradivoj Škrbić (Škrba), Jelena Sredljević (Lena), juski, Majkrosoft (m$), Novi Sad, Poozhoe, Reginald Burton Cape (Burt), sezam, in serbian

29-VI-2024 - 29-VI-2024