Jose Bariero

(Person, USA)

Ricardo's father. Was an accountant in peruvian vojska, then in the embassy, then went independent as a truck driver and accountant. Got divorced, two other sons went to his wife. Went into real estate dealing, about the time when the bubble burst in 2007 or slightly before that. Brought another wife from Peru, with her son. Last I know, deeply in debt, house to be reposessed. He and a couple of his chums still owe Go a few grand.

While Go and Ricardo lived with him, he charged them rent (which he didn't put into loan payments). Though, they lived a couple of months with his ex wife, who also charged.

Mentions: 19-XII-2000., 29-III-2001., 09-VI-2001., 12-VII-2001., 28-VII-2001., 03-VIII-2001., 09-IX-2001., 15-IX-2001., 28-X-2001., 01-I-2002., 08-I-2002., 01-I-2005., 11-V-2006., 09-XI-2006., 23-VIII-2007., 13-X-2007., 20-X-2007., 30-I-2009., Farewell to TV, 20-III-2010., Gorana Sredljević (Go), Marla, Ricardo Manuel Bariero (Ricardo), vojska, in serbian