Elvir Pozder

(Person, Yugoslavia)

The lieutenant in command of my platoon, during training. Rather incompetent, did most of the stuff by the book, but without much understanding of neither theory nor human behavior. Short but a bit stocky, he usually walked as if approaching OK Corral, with a rider's gait. He was in charge of three important objects - the trash deposit, the toilets and the bar, aka canteen. We had no trouble going over his head, straight to the captain. Most of his classmates made captains years before he did.

Allegedly an orphan (not of war, he was my age or even younger), raised by, practically, the state, possibly adopted by a military family. Which explains some bits, not all of it.

Mentions: 10-VII-1981., 13-VII-1981., 15-VIII-1981., 24-VIII-1981., 12-IX-1981., 30-XI-1981., 01-XII-1981., 13-XII-1981., 18-XII-1981., 11-III-1982., 06-VII-1982., 29-IX-1984., Tošić (Toške), in serbian