Bogdan Levacki

(Person, Yugoslavia)

A fellow mathematician, I guess a year or two older than me, who worked at the same school where I did, just not at the same time, except one year - 1985 or so. Great chess player, specialized in chess problems with helper's checkmate (that is, if the black does exactly one wrong move, he's done). He'd usually test the problems he created on Đole, who'd sit at his place at the other end of the long staff room, sip his loza from a coffee cup, and gaze at the chessboard. At a field trip, they'd be roommates, and would just lie in the dark, one would dictate a chess positions and the other guy would have to solve the problem.

In late eighties he was a programmer in the local textile industry conglomerate (included carpetry, socks, lingerie, sweaters, hats and seatbelts - something like stour without the T). We once compared our conform interest rates tables and they matched to seven significant digits.

Then in the nineties, he co-founded CompuWiz, but then went into politics, and that in the deeply nationalist, somewhat reactionary DSS, where he reached the position of speaker of the city parliament, or secretary to the mayor, os some such close up but not on top position. Then he lost interest in the company and sold his share to the partner. Allegedly lost interest in his wife too, and remarried to a much younger lady (not the only guy to do so in this generation, seems a common theme).

Mentions: 07-VI-1988., Ljubljana, 12-VI-1988., july 1988., january 1989., Interest calculus, 23-IX-1993., 15-IX-2004., 14-V-2024., CompuWiz, Đole Beljanac, loza, MPSŠC, stour, triglav, in serbian