
(Translation, Yugoslavia)

Slovenian (then Yugoslav) response to the coca type drinks, just done right. It's got no secret ingredients, still uses real sugar (after 50+ years) and doesn't really get you thirsty again in 20 minutes. The "drink of your youth", as the revival ad said, is the only brown zuckerwasser that I indulge in.

Actually spelled cockta, an early example of engrbian, and despite the name I never heard of a cocktail where it was an ingredient.

Mentions: 05-VII-1973., 31-I-2011., 24-XI-2013., 22-III-2023., 09-IX-2023., 30-IX-2023., 02-X-2023., 05-V-2024., 31-V-2024., engrbian, in serbian