
To that wedding in the vicinity of Neuss, Germany. We took a plane to Düsseldorf, and were met by the young couple. She is hercousin (aka sister-by-aunt, her mother, i.e. Inge, being oma's sister), and he is a programmer, having a little outfit which writes pieces to be used within Autocad, most probably designing them straight for manufacturers.

A nice geek's place. Few framed photos in the lobby, holographic, in real 3-d. One of them was of an old Leica camera, the other of a pistol (profile, not pointing at the camera), and third... some old car. Looked quite realistic, except it was monochrome, tinted somewhat. There was largish TV with about a hundred buttons on the remote, with teletext. Same Fuji dot-matrix printer as we had in the office, 132-columns A3 DL-3400 (larger version of dl2400), the indestructible. Went out to have a pizza; before leaving we almost forgot to turn the TV off, and I was nearest to it so I took the remote and, amazingly, found the shutoff button in two seconds. "Did you find how to...?" "Hey, we're geeks - anything with buttons..."

We walked in the nearby park. A guy on a bicycle had a dog running around. Seeing us with the kids, you could see him rolling his eyes and calculating what he'd have to pay if the dog bit anyone, called the dog and leashed it. Nice.

Later, we were accomodated in the Kafe Schwarz ("black coffee" or "Black café"), which is an old house where the ground floor was turned into a restaurant, and what upstairs and attic it had into guest rooms. We got two rooms all the way up; the girls got the big one, which didn't really have a ceiling as such, it had roof. The side walls were tall perhaps 60cm, so yes, we banged our heads a lot. My room was some space above the staircase, with a bed perhaps a whole meter off the floor, and the space under the bed did not belong to the room. It was the size of perhaps 1,5x2,5 meters, and it also didn't have a complete ceiling, but at least it had a small TV which would catch some dutch channels - with subtitles, so I watched a bit before I dozed off. Even had its own little window, where I could see other parts of the roof.

Somehow the first negative got lost, so no shots from this part, except what photos they sent us later.

Mentions: DL2400, Inge tanti, oma, in serbian