
Returning from my trip to Délkút and Gemenc (or this was a few days before or after - I thought this was today, but see 05-VI-1994.). Officially, I was on a sick leave, code 300 something, which meant neurological, IOW I've gone nuts.

I went to the local doctor, the same one who was our street doctor when I was a kid. Dad knew his husband well (work related?), so we went a long way. I explained the situation and just told her what I want. I guess she wrote some situational neurosis or some such fuzzy undefinable thing, and that was it. I was off, on full salary, for a month.

This was the only time in my life that I've taken a fake sick leave, and then I discovered that it was a fake fake sick leave - I did feel a lot better. So I really wasn't okay.

Lots of work to do... there's a whole app to write.

Ileš drove me home. Around this time, between two pickups of me, he managed to have his almost white* fiat tippo totalled, right in front of that pizzeria where he tried to persuade me to try the hawaiian pizza. Someone just slammed into him and I guess he got reimbursed by the guy's insurance. Next time he appeared in a Nissan Firebird, which seemed like a huge diesel car to me. I remember he had CKY in the tag, as Hungary has switched from cc-nn-nn format to ccc-nnn few years ago, still keeping tags coding centralized for whole country. It once happened that he was dead tired, so I drove from the border to home, and he then went to his dad's in Čurda to sleep. It was qute an interesting contrast, driving such a mastodon after the kafeni.

On tenth in unosc.prg:

„dodao for petlju u _u_drugi da ponovi grupna polja iz prethodnog ;

sloga. ako i ima grupnih polja ni`e, pretpostavlja se da se ta polja ;

a`uriraju u trku

(added a for loop into _u_drugi to repeat the group fields from the previous record. even if there are group fields below, assuming that they get updated on the fly)

See that, I was still on juski, the ` is a ž.


* I really can't remember if Fiat ever had a really white small car. The best they could do was very light gray - from fića to this. It may look white untill you put the tags - then you see the tags are whiter.

Mentions: 05-VI-1994., Čurda, Délkút, fića, Gemenc, Ileš Notaroš, juski, kafeni, unosc.prg, in serbian