
Home over Horgoš.

This could be the weekend when we were without power at home several times. I had bought „Left hand of darkness“ by Ursula LeGuin, in hungarian, pocket edition, and tried to read whenever I found the time. This is where I saw how much of hungarian is still out of my reach, but then I also ran into things I otherwise wouldn't (and she'd help me here and there), so I did learn a lot.

One of these evenings I was reading it by candlelight. We all sat by the smaller kitchen table. She was knitting something, the rest of us were reading whatever we found.

Speaking of SF... Vanji expressed disgust at the whole genre, the main obstacle being the suspension of disbelief - as in „there's no way I'll buy that it's for real, there's no time travel, no apocalypse has happened, FTL doesn't exist etc etc“. To which I had to explain to him that he should also stop going to theatre, because, you know, those aren't real walls, real gunshots, real drinks, it's all make believe, not good for him.

More work on unosc.prg, this time checking that the group level validation doesn't get called too often, just when needed.

Mentions: unosc.prg, Vilmoš Baranji (Vanji), in serbian