
So we took another bus to Délkút, then yet another to Szeged, then buzzed around. Ate a sandwich at Dóm, which is the tasteless mix of church and university downtown. The architecture is interesting, at least, it's the concept.

I went into a book store to buy some school supplies for them both, while Go stayed out to sneak a smoke. I wish she didnt. I mean, we're abroad, Szeged is a big city, I prefer to know where she is, and I grew up surrounded by girls who were smoking at age of sixteen. I don't recommend smoking to anyone except smokers, I wouldn't mind if she smoked in front of me, but no, she kept this pretending that she doesn't smoke, well, for years. Okay, we didn't get lost, but still.

She wanted to check out a shoe store. Unfortunately, the fancy brown eagle boots that she wanted had cost a weekly salary and we just couldn't afford it. Besides, it's been a year and my salary hasn't changed, while they had about 30% inflation. Life was getting tough again. She cried a bit.

Met the young economist lady from the dairy factory, who said one of the ladies there just died the other day. Was a kind of a shock, that girl looked rather healthy and full of life. She always wore tight mini skirts, short hair, piercing eyes and on top of that had a somewhat crooked nose which looked excellent on her, which is no small feat.

The economist, on the other hand, was a strange case. Employed to be the boss of the data entry office, which was actually the general accounting, on education and merit alone. She kept mostly to herself and did her job, never talked too much with us. As I saw it happen back in the school, some old experienced but unschooled accountant probably had her sights on the position, and now all of a sudden this kid, so what if she's finished magisterium, looks more like a boy and has these big (but thin) glasses is now a boss. The miracle is that both girls got their shops neat and functioning smoothly within a year. Never even knew her name.

Mentions: Délkút, Gorana Sredljević (Go), in serbian