
(Place, tavern, firm, Yugoslavia)

City, aka an overrated village nearby, but as it is the municipal seat, call it a city. Has perhaps a dozen streets altogether.

Used to be a german village, named after some saint, but after WWII the local Germans were expelled and the Bosnians (later known as Bosnian Serbs, but some of them with moslem-sounding last names) were colonized.

Having nothing but klaanca (bought by some guy who soon moved to closing it - bought it for the hardware probably, and for the swat of land) that would put them on the map, they erected a statue of Rocky (from the movies). Their other cause d'etre is that they're still legally considered an underdeveloped municipality, therefore a local tax haven. Want to pay less, register your business there. Belgrade taxi drivers who register their business here so they don't pay twice as much at home; there were sixty-some of them attached to the same address. Since 2015, Lena's company is registered here as well.

Which is now (2021) mooted, the tax relief is revoked.

They were briefly the news of the day when there was a first nutcase to do a mass killing, in 2016. The jealous guy killed six with an M-72, all over his ex wife.

The reason why we (of DBA and Avai) call it Njujork (New York) should be linked here, september 1990.

Mentions: july 1966., june 1980., 25-V-1990., 11-IX-1990., Origins of New York, march 1991., The big import, 02-VI-1992., Office dictionary, 17-II-1995., 24-VIII-2004., 09-XI-2014., 15-XI-2014., 17-XI-2014., 28-XI-2014., 09-IX-2015., 20-VII-2021., 24-VI-2023., 24-VII-2023., Avai, DBA, Jelena Sredljević (Lena), klaanca, Milica Zubatović, Partner, zmajček, in serbian